some tricks too!

Hey John i dont know if you remeber me we came in june and got a morkie (me and my dad) well i just wanted to thank you for her we named her puma 😀 she is great and we got all her vacinations, shes potty trained and we took her to training classes so she knows some tricks too! she is the best thing ever! my bird also like her they sleep together sometimes and i trust puma she never hurt chiko the bird its really cute 😀 Even my mom is in love with her and at the begining she said she doesnt like dogs she watches over puma like another daughter everyone is happy now 😀 ur dogs ARE well bred and top quality! i recomended you to whoever asks me were i got it and they would want one i know my freind is getting one soon. hope youll always breed such awesome dogs and again thank you for our new family member! heres some pictures of her now 😀