Archives: Past Puppies
Tracey, Tyler, Courtney, Ronnie and Neko

Hi John, Hope all is well! I wanted to share with you that my fur babies are fantastic and best friends! It took a bit for lil miss Ronnie to warm up to her brother…. however, we are definitely in a place of family love! Ronnie continues to have such a personality as you can […]
Salcedo Family, Max the puppy

Hi john, Just wanted to give you an update on max he is doing amazing he knows that this is his home and he never has trouble sleeping at night he is getting his shot on July 18 and he knows where he has to pee and poo. He wakes up very early but we […]
Angela, Simon and their Mal Shi puppy, Mississauga, Ontario

The moment we were ready to welcome a new puppy to the family i thought of John. I knew that he would be able to help us with our search for the best breed of puppy and match us with the perfect toy Mal Shi. The first time we saw Bella and picked her up, […]
Jully Black, Singer, ET Host – Morkie Puppy, Toronto, Ontario

Hey John, Long time! Hope you’re well! If somebody would have told me I would have found the perfect puppy for sale online, I would tell them they were lying. It was about 2 years ago I took to the internet to find another puppy to add to our family, and by chance ran into […]
Sapphio Chu – Tiny Toy Teacup Yorkie Puppy, Markham, Ontario

Sapphio Chu – Tiny Toy Teacup Yorkie Puppy, Markham, Ontario Owner of Tigar, Teacup Yorkie I’ve always wanted a puppy and when I saw the picture of Tigar, I fell in love with the little guy. I called John and he said he would hold him until I got there. When we got to John’s […]

Hello John! It’s been a week since Akira has been home with us. She really settled in as being apart of the family. She sleeps all night and eats really well. She is so pretty and smart, she knows where her pee pad is and goes right to it. “she just melts your heart”. I […]
Sofia Von-Lefleur

Hello John, Just thought i’d send you a photo of the little trouble maker. I’ve named him Watson after Dr. Watson in Sherlock Homes. He is doing well. He loves carrots and his veggies. I do give him a little chicken here and there. He is completely pee-pad trained and once it warms up he’ll […]

Hi John! I just wanted to send you some updated pics of our lil Mischa. She’s adapting very well to her new home – the lady of the house, as my dad calls her and most definitely the new baby for my mom. Everyone absolutely loves her!!! Thanks so much, she’s amazing! Take care 🙂 […]
Lauri Harrison-Loncke

Laurie Harrison-Loncke – Delhi, Ontario We are previously from Georgetown, Ontario and now reside in a small town called Delhi, Ontario. When we first purchased our yorkie 3 years ago and met John, we were so impressed with the beauty and cleanliness of his home and puppies. Our little female yorkie named “Ainslie” is 5 […]

Hi John! Happy New Years to you and your family, hope you had a great one. We bought a Teacup female Yorkie from you on Dec 16th. Well, I just wanted to say thank you so much!!! Today I brought her in for her last vaccination shot and she’s very healthy and she’s doing great. […]