
Dec 9, 2009
Hello John,
I am just writing to let you know that baby Edward is doing fine, he eats, sleeps, poos and pees, he never cries not even last night. He woke up at 4:30am and I spent some time with him and he fell back asleep in his basket next to my bed. I covered him with the blanket you gave me and he goes to sleep. Everyone at home loves him and they think he is so cute. Anyways, i will keep you up to date…ttys.
Feb 22, 2010
Hello John,
I wanted to send you a new updated pic of Edward he is 3 pounds now. He is healthy and very active. He is alot of fun and he is a little tike! I may want to breed him in the future because he is so cute and he has a great personality.
Hope all is good with you and hope to ttys.